A Message From KIncumber Neighbourhood Centre & Youth Space Manager Leanne Clarke
My vision for the centre is to be a place where people can connect, create, learn and seek support.
Our purpose is to be the heart and hub of our community by providing a safe environment and opportunities, where the community can come together.
We provide programs, advocacy, information and referrals for our community.
Why do you volunteer at Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre?
"What l like about volunteering here is the happy, friendly people I work with. I also think there is a welcoming, warm vibe when you walk through the front door. Most people who attend sessions here are friendly and enjoy the social aspect of the Centre. I like to see that."-Kerry
We asked some of our volunteers this question to get an understanding of why they do what they do ...
"The important thing to me is that the staff and other volunteers are friendly and supportive of each other and equally of the community we are endeavoring to serve. A sense of a community and helping others is really important particularly at this time and it is great to feel like a small part of that."- Karen
"I really enjoy volunteering at the Centre as I find I am respected and valued in what I do.
I also feel I am contributing in some small way to the local community."- Merelyn
"I just love everyone here they are so kind and compassionate . It’s a joy to be of help."- Monika
"Staff are very welcoming and friendly. The clients are friendly and treat you with respect. The activities are varied and interesting. You don't just sit behind a desk and on the computer all day. The diversity of people from staff to volunteers and the clients visiting KNC on the day."- Sue
"I like volunteering here as a mother at home for many years it was a good opportunity to do something for myself that I love doing and also updating my skills for work at the same time!"- Jodie
"It gives me an opportunity to be part of the local community and use skills and experience gained from 40+ years in the workforce."- Di
"Meeting so many lovely people and getting the opportunity to help out with different events - like the Biggest Morning Tea"- Lyn
"Giving back to the community, assisting and servicing the hirers, attendees, parents and children that use the Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre for different activities" - Rauni
"I love volunteering at KNC. I enjoy the people who come into the centre as well as the volunteers. We are like a big happy family" - Angie