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The Neighbourhood Centre is happy to provide the community with access to the EAPA Scheme which helps people experiencing a short term financial crisis or emergency to pay their electricity or gas bill.

The scheme helps people stay connected to essential energy services during a financial crisis.

How does the EAPA Scheme work?

The EAPA Scheme operates through a voucher system. Each voucher is worth $50.

EAPA vouchers are issued by a participating community welfare organisation (CWO) such as St Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army, Anglicare and many others.

The customer needs to apply to one of these organisations which will consider their claim and, if appropriate, provide assistance.

The CWO assesses the customer's situation and determines each case based on individual circumstances.

Customers can take their vouchers with their bill to an Australia Post outlet (if their energy supplier accepts vouchers via Australia Post) or post to their energy supplier as soon as possible and within 14 days of receipt.

The energy supplier will credit the value of the voucher towards the customer's account.

Note: Before contacting a CWO to make an appointment for an EAPA assessment, please contact your electricity or gas supplier to find out what payment plans and other assistance might be available. You may be able to agree on a payment plan with your supplier to suit your financial situation.

Can EAPA vouchers be used to pay gas bills?

Yes. Vouchers can be used to pay natural gas bills but not for liquid petroleum gas (LPG). For information on rebates for liquid petroleum gas (LPG) please visit Gas Rebates.

Further information

Vist http://www.resourcesandenergy.nsw.gov.au/energy-consumers/financial-assistance/stay-connected-through-financial-crisis

Contact the Centre for more Information or an appointment on 4363 1044


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